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Health & Wellness

Healing is Coherence

Health & Disease...

Biological organisms are living crystals...

Degeneration and disease are a loss of coherence in the biological system...

Healing is a restoration of that coherence...


Anesthetics reduce the coherence of the cell membrane, disrupting consciousness...

The stronger the anesthetic, the higher its partition coefficient in the lipid phase...

So consciousness occurs in the coherent non-polar environment of the lipid bilayer...

Consciousness is coherence of information transcending across the dimensions of space and time...


Communication is coherence...

Laser is coherent light...

What is a Laser?

The word "laser" comes from the acronym "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation" coined when it was invented in 1960...

Laser light can communicate to the moon and back without losing its coherence.


Living cells communicate with each other thousands of cell layers away using coherent biophoton emissions in the powerful UltraViolet frequency range...

Mitochondria are built like living lasers...

And many of them live and travel on fiber optic cables called microtubules...

Microtubules make up the cytoskeleton...

And they connect at the cell membrane with the fiber optic network of the connective tissue, made of collagen and elastin...

DNA makes an endless variety of antenna shapes for sending and receiving epigenetic signals through the coherence zone made of the pi electrons of its Deoxyribose sugar rings...

The new science of epigenetics studies how the DNA turns on or off in response to these inter-cellular signals and other environmental stimuli...

You can turn off the genes associated with disease, and reactivate your healthy genes...

You can even clear epigenetic patterns of susceptibility inherited from your parents and grandparents...

All this new knowledge will be very powerful in your healing and recovery process.

High Power Lasers...

High power lasers can melt through steel, and medical lasers can be used surgically for controlled ablation, essentially vaporizing tissue...

In the eyes, because of the clear optical media, surgery can even be done without anything material like a surgical blade entering the body...

Low Level Lasers...

We also use non-invasive low level lasers to activate cellular metabolism, cleanse toxic tissue, and speed up healing processes...

Except in the clear tissues of the eye, most light frequencies are absorbed in the body's surface tissues.

Near infrared light, however, can penetrate many inches into the soft tissues of the body...

Dense bones like those in the skull absorb most of the infrared light incident at the scalp, but with near infrared laser light, enough can penetrate into the brain to achieve a therapeutic level of stimulation...

This kind of soft laser therapy is being developed by researchers at leading institutions like Harvard University and others...

Pulsing the NIR laser light can help to activate certain brain functions through entrainment of the brain's alpha rhythm for physical healing in neurodegenerative processes, and the gamma rhythm associated with consciousness for restoring memory and cognitive functions...

Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature

We have also rediscovered a frequency that was long ago called the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature.

Our research found that this frequency attracts and stabilizes the transition minerals in a state of matter akin to what physicists know as Bose-Einstein Condensates...

This theoretical state of matter predicted by physicists Einstein and Bose, acts like the quantum world at the macroscopic scale of the body...

Our human scale...

Try our biophotonic near infrared healing helmet...

The quantum energetics are designed to activate Mitochondrial oxidative respiration, the primary source of cellular energy...

They do that because the bio-active photons are specifically absorbed by the chromophor Cytochrome C Oxidase.

This enzyme in the mitochondrial membrane is essential to oxidative respiration...

Pulsed Laser

You can set the soft laser's pulsation frequency to the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature...

Or the Alpha or Gamma rhythms of the brain...

Or other frequencies between 1 Hz, the dominant frequency of the heart, and 8,900 Hz, the limit of the instrument...

Unlike other healing tools, our NIR helmet makes many frequencies of interest available for your use, for example 5 Hz that is used in pain relief, and many others...

Compared to other similar tools, our NIR laser helmet provides a more even and comprehensive distribution of healing light throughout the whole brain, and much greater flexibility to apply selected healing frequencies of your choice...

Our NIR Helmet and digital controller...

Ongoing research in Germany...

Studies continue in Italy as well...

European subject wearing our helmet...

The brain is a precious organ...

Because the skull is very thick and dense, we use a very special healing tool to energize and cleanse the central nervous system...

Healing Oasis Near Infrared Helmet

Click to open each section for full directions...

Control Unit


Press and hold the power button for about 3 seconds until you hear a beep and the screen lights up. The button icon is a circle with a line through the top located in the upper left corner.

Exit Settings Modes:

When you finish setting your desired parameters for Mode, Time, Frequency and Power, click the ‘OK’ button once to exit the setting mode. That will stop the blinking indicator for the function you were last setting. Clicking again on the ‘OK’ button will start the treatment with the new settings.

Reactivate Screen:

When the screen goes dark to save power, you can press and release the power button to turn it back on...


Press and hold the power button for about 3 seconds until you hear a beep and the screen goes dark. The button icon is a circle with a line through the top located in the upper left corner.

Reactivate Screen: Press and release the power button.

Off: Press and hold the power button for about 3 seconds until you hear a beep and the screen goes dark. The button icon is a circle with a line through the top located in the upper left corner.



Click the ‘OK' button. The ‘OK' button is located in the upper right corner.


Click the ‘OK' button to pause the treatment. 


Click the ‘OK' button again to resume the paused treatment.


Access Mode Setting:

Click the down arrow button once. ‘Mode' will blink on the screen. 

Change Mode Setting:

Click on the right or left arrow button once to change the Mode Setting between the preset value, which is Constant, or 0 Hz, which is labelled CW (square wave on the right) and ‘QCW' (straight line on the left) which allows you to choose or select your desired pulse frequency. 


The time automatically starts at a setting of 30 minutes when the unit is turned on. You can adjust the time to anywhere from 1 minute to 60 minutes in 1 minute increments.

Time & Support Between Treatments:

We generally recommend starting with 20 minutes every other day. Giving about 48 hours between sessions provides time for tissue detoxification and nerve regeneration between sessions. Consider additional support for brain detoxification with Brain Cleanse taken about 30 minutes before bedtime every night. Consider additional support for neural regeneration with Brain Pulse and Cerluten brain bioregulation peptides on the mornings after treatment days. Further support can be individually designed by applying at TryUnity.net.

Access Time Setting:

Click the up (‘^') or down (‘∨’) arrow twice. The Time Setting function will be active when the word ‘Time' is blinking on the screen. (If you are already accessing the Mode Setting function, where ‘Mode' is blinking, just click the down arrow once) 

Change Time Setting: 

Decrease Time by 10 minutes:

With ‘Time' blinking, press the left arrow for 1 second until you hear a beep and the time decreases by 10 minutes. If you continue to press longer, the time will continue to decrease by 10 minutes for each additional beep.

Decrease Time by 1 minute:

With ‘Time' blinking click and release the right arrow button (‘>').

Increase Time by 10 minutes:

With ‘Time' blinking, press the right arrow for 1 second until you hear a beep and the time increases by 10 minutes. If you continue to press longer, the time will continue to increase by 10 minutes for each additional beep.Increase

Time by 1 minute:

With ‘Time' blinking click and release the left arrow button (‘<‘).


The output power level is automatically set at a full 100% when the unit is turned on.

Change Power Setting:

We recommend starting with a gentle 25% power level for the initial sessions. To change the power setting, press the up arrow button once. If you are already in the time setting mode, with ’Time’ blinking, you can just click the down arrow once. The word ‘Power’ will blink on the screen indicating you are in the power setting mode.

25% Power: 

Click the left arrow button 3 times while you are in the power setting mode with the word ‘Power’ blinking on the screen.

50% Power:

Click the left arrow button 2 times while you are in the power setting mode with the word ‘Power’ blinking on the screen.

75% Power:

Click the left arrow button 1 times while you are in the power setting mode with the word ‘Power’ blinking on the screen.

Increase Power:

If you want to increase the power setting, use the right arrow button once for each 25% increase, while you are in the power setting mode with the word ‘Power’ blinking on the screen.


The Frequency is automatically set to constant, which is 0 Hz (‘CW’ with the square wave on the upper right)

To set a frequency, first change the Mode to ‘QCW' (at the top center with the straight line).

Frequency (Hz) Adjustable:

The adjustable frequency function is automatically set to 100 Hz. To set a different frequency between 1 Hz and 8,900 Hz. See section below for more details on Adjusting Frequency.

Frequency (Hz) Designation:

To set the frequency to one of the 4 designated frequencies, click the up arrow 2 times (or the down arrow 3 times). The words ‘Frequency (Hz) Designation’ will blink on the screen. 

Set a Frequency (Hz) Designation:

With the words 'Frequency (Hz) Designation’ blinking, click the right arrow button to move to the next frequency to the right, or the left arrow button to move to the next frequency to the left:

A. 10 Hz

B. 727 Hz

C. 800 Hz

D. 8900 Hz

Adjusting Frequency

The preset value is 0 Hz which means no pulsing of the laser on and off. Our cells adapt to constant stimuli, so the biological response to 0 Hz tends to decrease over time.

Pulsation avoids this limitation, plus specific frequencies have particular quantized resonance effects. Our most preferred frequencies are:

172 Hz for the Spirit minerals

43 Hz for Cognition and Memory

11 Hz for Body functions such as motor control 

Typical treatment sessions are 20 minutes, about 48 hours apart. This allows time for completion of detoxification and regeneration processes activated by the laser therapy before the following session.

Because observable clinical results such as improvement in symptoms may often take a few weeks to become apparent, it can be useful to focus on one frequency for about 10 to 12 sessions before drawing tentative conclusions on its potential efficacy in a given case… Each individual may have particular responsiveness to a given frequency.

Change Frequency Setting:

For the quickest way to set a desired frequency setting, first round the frequency to the nearest 100 Hz interval. Then proceed in 1 Hz steps to your desired frequency.

Decrease Time by 10 minutes:

With ‘Time' blinking, press the left arrow for 1 second until you hear a beep and the time decreases by 10 minutes. If you continue to press longer, the time will continue to decrease by 10 minutes for each additional beep.

Decrease Time by 1 minute:

With ‘Time' blinking click and release the right arrow button (‘>').

Increase Time by 10 minutes:

With ‘Time' blinking, press the right arrow for 1 second until you hear a beep and the time increases by 10 minutes. If you continue to press longer, the time will continue to increase by 10 minutes for each additional beep.

Increase Time by 1 minute:

With ‘Time' blinking click and release the left arrow button (‘<‘).

Clinical Theory™ Frequencies:

172 Hz:

For our favorite 172 Hz frequency, first set the frequency to 200 Hz. Then decrease by 1 Hz increments to 172 Hz. 172 Hz is the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature. It was the metric standard in China and Tibet during 1,000 years of peace. We learned that only after we rediscovered it in our own exploratory research… 172 Hz attracts the condensates of the transition minerals which are tremendously healing because they are both superfluid and superconducting, and they can be incorporated into the conscious spirit body, so they also support accelerated healing through intention. Because they carry quantum dynamic properties into the macroscopic realm, they also assist the healing intentions and prayers of family and others who may not be locally present with the client or patient.

43 Hz:

First drop the frequency from the preset of 100 Hz to 1 Hz (it doesn’t go to zero). Then increase in increments of 1 Hz. 43 Hz is the center of the Gamma brain wave frequencies which is associated with consciousness. This range is useful in restoring memory function, and it is an octave harmonic of the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature…

11 Hz:

Drop the frequency setting to 1 Hz, and then increase by 1 Hz increments to 11 Hz. This is in the Alpha brain wave frequency region, which is useful with physical degeneration issues such as in Parkinson’s.

Other Healing Frequencies:

Other frequencies can be explored on a clinical trial basis in the range of 1 Hz to 8900 Hz. Please feel free to consult with us, and let us know of any responses you observe.

Frequency Specific healing therapies are a relatively new territory in medicine, and there are many orders of magnitude more possibilities to explore than exist in the entire field of chemical pharmacology…

Potential frequencies of interest for pulsing near infrared laser light may be drawn from Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapies, and frequencies used in healing with sound.

Always keep in mind that the quantum resonance of this NIR Laser Light Helmet specifically activates the Mitochondria which are responsible for over 90% of cellular metabolic energy.

The light also specifically structures intracellular and extracellular water into living water that directly facilitates cellular functions as well as tissue cleansing.

More background on these recently elucidated effects is available through our Clinical Theory™ and Clinical Praxis™ projects at ClinicalTheory.com and ClinicalPraxis.com.

Please let us know if you would like to learn more, or if there is some way we can support your healing mission...

Near Infrared Healing Tool Developed for NASA...

For many years, we have used the powerful WARP 10 soft NIR laser which was developed for NASA...

When it was no longer being manufactured, we developed our Harmony Healing Laser...

In addition to using the frequency known to activate the mitochondria, we were able to take it to the next level by incorporating the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature...

Introducing the Harmony Soft Laser...

How our Harmony Laser Works...

With the eyes closed, the Harmony Laser can be used around the sinus areas and the electroacupuncture points for the eye segments to stimulate eye and vision healing...

The Harmony Soft Laser...

This rechargeable, hand-held soft laser resonates coherently in both the Red and the NIR ranges of resonance for Cytochrome C to activate the mitochondria.

Click to open for more details...

The Harmony Laser

The Red 650 nm light in our soft laser has 12 diodes for a total of 60 mW of power for healing the skin and adjacent tissues.

Red penetrates 2 to 3 centimeters into surface tissues...

NIR penetrates 5 to 7 centimeters into soft tissues.

The 808 nm Near Infrared component delivers a total of 450 mW of deep healing power for cleansing and energizing internal organ tissues.

Use every other day to allow maximum regeneration to take place on the day after use.

This unique healing instrument operates at 172 Hz, the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature.

For instances where painful symptoms are not adequately relieved at 172 Hz, a second setting is available at 5 Hz...

Cold Laser Benefits

Cold laser benefits include:

 • Bone regeneration

 • Carpal tunnel syndrome

 • Dental pain

 • Dentin hypersensitivity

 • Elbow disorders

 • Fibromyalgia

 • Herpes labialis

 • Knee osteoarthritis

 • Lymphedema

 • Musculoskeletal dysfunction

 • Myofascial pain syndrome

 • Neurological dysfunctions

 • Pain relief (e.g. acute and chronic low back pain/neck pain, orthodontic pain, shoulder pain)

 • Patella-femoral pain syndrome

 • Physical therapy (including rehabilitation following carpal tunnel release)

 • Recurrent aphthous stomatitis/ulcers

 • Rheumatoid arthritis

 • Shoulder impingement syndrome

 • Temporomandibular joint disorders

 • Tinnitus

 • Wound healing (including diabetic ulcers and gingival healing)

Special Use Around the Eyes

For the eyes, we apply the healing energy to these areas with the eyes closed:

 • The maxillary sinus area, on the cheeks just below the eyes

 • The frontal sinus area, on the forehead just above the eyes

 • The temple area, which is related to the optic nerve 

 • The bridge of the nose

The eye segment electroacupuncture points and nearby electrodermal points include:

 • Abducent Nerve (Cranial Nerve VI)

 • Anterior Segment (the front part of the eye)

 • Brain Stem

 • Choroid (where Choroiditis and Uveitis occur) 

 • Ciliary Body (makes the Aqueous Humor that contributes to Intraocular Pressure) 

 • Conjunctiva (where Conjunctivitis produces pink eye, and where Pterygium starts)

 • Cornea (where Dry Eye Syndrome produces the most symptoms)

 • Crystalline Lens (where Cataracts form)

 • Eyelids (where Blepharitis, Chalazion, and Styes form)

 • Frontal Sinus

 • Iris 

 • Macula (where dry and wet macular degeneration occur, as well as macular edema)

 • Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve III) 

 • Olfactory Nerve 

 • Posterior Segment (the back part of the eye)

 • Retina (where Retinitis Pigmentosa and  

 • Sclera (the white of the eye, where Scleritis and Episcleritis occur)

 • Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV) 

 • Vitreous Humor (where Vitritis and floaters occur) 

See the anatomical charts for locations of specific eye segment resonance points...

Rebuild better health

Health is essential to quality of life. Loss of your health is the greatest risk to catastrophic loss of your business and your financial security. Keeping or restoring your health is doubly worth investing in, and we make it both cost efficient and clinically effective. If your strategy for health promotion is lacking, everything else you value is put at risk... Let us design a program tailored to your needs and budget.

In a fraction of the time

Time is money. Hospitals, Insurance Companies and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers don't have many answers for RESTORING or IMPROVING health... Reverse a year of accumulated damage for every month of Accelerated Self Healing™. Whether you need to get your quality of life back, or you need to get yourself back to work at full efficiency, we've got you... 

Without leaving home

Telemedicine is on the rise... like a tsunami. Doctors are trying to figure out how to work with patients remotely and patients are looking to avoid hospital and clinic visits. It's all pretty new to everyone... except us. We have been serving remote clients since BEFORE there was an internet. Trust in our proprietary processes that have been proven for over 35 years.

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.